View on GitHub


GitHub Pages - Crash Course

Follow the steps below to create a copy of this site in your own GitHub account

  1. Login to GitHub
  2. Search for “GHP-Tutorial”, the name of this repository, or follow this direct link.
  3. Open the repository page, and click the “Fork” button on the upper right of the screen. This should create a copy of this repo in your own GitHub account.
  4. Once the copy is complete, you can click the “Settings” tab to change the name of your new repo if you choose. Note that you can also use this tab to set up GitHub Pages for your project if you choose.

You now have your own copy of this repository.

From here, you can use the online GitHub interface to add and modify your files directly in the browser.

However, many users will find it easier to modify files on a local machine, and then upload them to your GitHub repository. If you are modifying files locally, I recommend using Atom as a text editor for Markdown, but you can also Notepad on Windows machines or TextEdit on Macs.

Using Git

Using git to manage your files and repos is completely optional. You can bypass this entirely by using the GitHub browser interface to manage your projects.

That said, if you plan to make changes to your project on your local machine (e.g. modifying or adding new files) and then push them back up to GitHub, git is a good choice. It takes some getting used to, but once you have mastered a few basic commands, git is really quite easy to use and provides a more efficient and seamless workflow.

To get started using git, make sure you have it installed on your machine and follow these simple steps:

Hint: use the command “cd” to change your directory. For example, let’s say I want to clone my project into my “Projects” folder. To navigate to /Users/kevenson/Projects/ I would type cd /Users/kevenson/Projects/ and hit enter). For more help with navigation, see this tutorial.